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Y.S. Eco Bee Farms Raw Honey – 22 oz

Health Honey – Raw Unheated Unprocessed by YS Eco Bee Farms 22.0 oz. Paste Raw Unheated Unfiltered Unpasteurized What is the major difference in organic from conventional beekeeping Organic bee colonies are not maintained with the use of any chemicals Terramycin for treating foulbrood disease Apistan for Verroa mites GardStar for treating small hive beetles nor Bee Go to chase bees instead of using a smoker. We meet all the standards of Organic Certification including GMO Free Land Certification Beehives Certification Producer Certification Processor Certification. How can someone say it’s organic honey when bees can fly wherever they want First the beehives are specifically placed in isolated areas away from any type of contamination (golf courses agricultural areas heavy traffic areas landfills). Secondly the flying range of a bee is determined by their natural instinct which tells them to stay within approximately a two mile range from their hive location. When they fly out of this

Y.S. Organic Bee Farms – Organic Honey – 1 lb

Beneficial Facts; Functional properties and health related applications Antioxidant Activity: Known antioxidant compounds in natural sweetener to preserve food retarding deterioration, rancidity, and discoloration. The levels of antioxidants found in honey are similar to some fruits and vegetables weight for weight. Athletic Performance: Honey is a great pre-workout energy source, aiding an athlete’s endurance and helping the athlete’s muscles recuperate following a race or workout. Beauty Treatments: Honey is a natural humectant, which means it has the ability to attract and retain moisture. Try using honey in facial masks, bath oils, hair conditioners and more. Prebiotic Properties: Helps promote the growth and activity of friendly bacteria. Other: Honey tastes sweeter than sugar, so less is needed to sweeten baked goods and beverages. Studies have shown that foods prepared with honey last longer and taste great.