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Roast, Page 3

Jeremiah’s Pick Coffee Organic Water Processed Decaf, Raisin & Chocolate Round and Robust Whole Bean Coffee, Dark Roast, 10 Ounce Bag

Decaffeinated organic water process, 100% chemical free. 100% Organic Arabica coffee beans. Certified organic by CCOF. We search the world markets to bring you the finest 100% Arabica estate-grown organic coffees. Buying organic coffee that is free of pesticides helps the environment and supports farmers who practice sustainable agriculture. After using the organic water process to decaffeinate these bird friendly, high-altitude Arabicas, we roast then in the French style. The result is an earthy, round, and satisfying cup. We are certified Kosher by Vaad Hakashrus of Northern California.

The Organic Coffee Company Ground French Roast, 12-Ounce Bags (Pack of 3)

Our “Organic Coffee Co.” brand is pure, organic coffee bliss. Real Simple Magazine even named it as among the very best coffees they sampled. We offer 100% certified, organic coffee beans, organic decaf coffee, and organic flavored coffees. As with all Rogers Family Company coffees, our coffee tastes so good because we go directly to the source to buy our coffee from premier organic farms, and we grow our own organic coffee on our own unique and bio-diverse farms in Panama. We stand for premium, sustainable, fair and direct trade coffee and tea at prices you’ll love!   We like to say our products are grown for good. Our Community Aid Program has restored thousands of acres of rainforest by farming only with shade grown farms, and planted our own coffee on our own organic farms.

Reggie’s Roast Organic, Fair Trade Ground Coffee, 12-Ounce Cans (Pack of 3)

A medium roast using the finest coffee from Central American cooperative farmers. Beautiful Balance; Intense Aroma! Our medium roast house blend is prepared with only the finest quality beans produced by Central American cooperative farmers – underlying our commitment to the Fair Trade Organic farming community of the region. Across the globe, within the belt of Tropical Rain Forests and rising from mountainous volcanic soils, are the World’s finest Arabica Coffees. In keeping with our commitment to excellence, we have combed these coffee growing regions to identify the most exquisite arabicas to bring you Reggie’s Roast Premium Coffees.

Cameron’s Organic French Roast Whole Bean Coffee, 32-Ounce Bag

Since 1978, Cameron’s has been a name snynonymous with specialty coffee rich in flavor, yet subtle and complex. We purchase our specialty grade, arabica coffee beans from around the globe and “small batch” roast them to perfection in one of the finest roa